Chicago Coin Club - Coins For “A”s in Schooling

The Chicago Coin Club has initiated a Coins for “A”s program for young numismatists (YNs). The program’s dual purposes are promoting numismatics and encouraging YNs to do well in their educational studies. The program is open to all YNs (age 5-17) who are current members of the Chicago Coin Club. YNs who earn one or more “A”s in their schooling can submit a copy of their report card to receive a free coin(s) packet. The Coins for “A”s program is open to all CCC YNs who attend any public or private school or are home schooled. To submit a report card, complete the Coins for “A”s form and email with a copy of your report card to


Address: ______________________




Grade Level:____________________

Report card period:______________

School Name:___________________


Print name:____________________

Signature: _____________________

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Version Date
2022 Dec 11